After looking at the FireBase + AngularJS demo, few months back, I wished for something similar with MongoDB. And simple to use AngularJS integration.

UPDATE: You may find Meteor as a better option for “real-time”

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  1. Server code that allows real time sync and storage. We use SocketIO for this.

  2. Client side JS lib that allows connection, raises events and exposes methods for data manipulation. We want to keep this JavaScript file independent of AngularJS.

  3. AngularJS service factory implementation that consumes the JS created above

  4. A Todo app that consumes all of the above for the demo.

The following gives a brief idea related to each component:

Server code Server.js Server opens up a connection to MongoDB and loads the Socket. The socket receives events and performs updates on the collection (todos). After each update via SocketIO the data is broadcast to all the connected clients.

This file also defines a type MongoConnection which can be moved to a module.

In this demo, all the data is fetched and sent again - in real world apps, you would send only the required data.

Livebase.js - Client JS lib that works with SocketIO client lib

Livebase.js works with SocketIO client library and exposes methods to update the collection, handles the socket events and fires events to be handled by its consumer.

AngularJS service factory livebase-angular.js

This service factory implementation works with livebase.js to update the scope. This is defined as angularBase in the livebase module

All the above files: server.js->MongoConnection, livebase.js and livebase-angular.js are collection independent. With an exception of server.js

Todo App

The todo app pretty much looks like the AngularJS todo list demo. The controller TodoCtrl uses angularBase and the code snippet is shown below.

var todo_app = angular.module('TodoApp',['livebase']);

todo_app.controller("TodoCtrl", function($scope, angularBase) {
	var Todos = angularBase("http://localhost:9338","todos"); // NOTE: The configuration here must match with the server - obviously

	$scope.todos = Todos.getAll();

	$scope.addTodo = function() {
		var todo = { text:$scope.todoInput, done:false};
		$scope.todoInput = "";
	$scope.deleteTodo = function(index) {
		var todo = $scope.todos[index];
	$scope.changeTodo = function(index) {
		var todo = $scope.todos[index];
		todo = { _id: todo._id, done: todo.done };

In this demo, we are using a different port for SocketIO. You could use the same port with ExpressJS.

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